Well, Finally completed my cooler line plumbing. The issue was finding the proper fitting for the flared end of the steel tubing to go into the npt threaded hole of the radiator. Very had to find this fitting ANYWHERE. I tried hardware stores, plumbing stores and of course auto parts stores. By luck of the draw I stumbled on this "pipe fitting wharehouse" and they had it all.
The Truck will start up and run, however I have not actually drove it. I have an issue with tons of white smoke coming out of my exhaust. Most likely coolant/water leaking from the head gaskets. Im gonna have to pull off my valve covers and re-torque the heads down. Hopefully its not gonna require valve adjustments.
Another problem is that if I leave the battery connected overnight it will be dead. Something is drawing current but I have not looked into that yet.
Im still anxious to start body work even though the truck isnt drivable yet. Patience are being tested!!!